I only have 5 more days left to hunt: 12/19, 12/20, 12/21, 1/1 & 1/3...... This is very sad news but I will make every last second count. Time to employ the end-of-season method I like. Sit in the same stand all day with one 15 minute break for lunch. The days are getting shorter so it's not all that hard but it's go big or go home time. I'm 4 deer shy of tagging out for the year.
This past weekend Buckingham had their annual Vet hunt. About 45 folks and they set them up on the roads w/ a slew of guys pushing the deer out to them. All-told they took down 12 deer, 11 doe & 1 6pt. Hell of a thing to do for our vets, small, but they were on cloud nine.
My 8pt euro mount is done, love those things, I'll post the pics on the next update.
Happy Hunting.